Stunning perch series!
Fabian had some crazy perch fishing in the last weeks! Here some of his best fishes.
Big catfish on the Predator II PR-892XH
Last summer i went fishing on the river with the Hearty Rise Predator II.The intention was to use some small hard baits (6 cm) to target some perch, zanders or asp. After catching a few nice fish suddenly my rod totally bend over. The…Read More →
Hearty Rise Evolution Movie
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Check out the Evolution serie here;
[wc_posts pids=”680,710,” order=”DESC” orderby=”date” post_type=”page” taxonomy=”” terms=”” posts_per_page=”…Read More →
Catch Report: Perch 46
[amoteam_text title=”PERCH 46″ subtitle=”Hearty-Rise Innovation IN-832H”]A Solid Perch was the first fish Rutger caught on his new Hearty Rise Innovatio…Read More →
First fish of the year
First fish of the year!Chaught with the Hearty Rise Innovation 832MH
Tackle Test: Hearty Rise Wanderer
In holidays fishing isn’t always the most important thing. But when you as a passioneted angler stands next to some good looking waters you always think about fishing. Not that good when your fishing gear is far away at home cause the l…Read More →
Catch Report: Pike 115
[amoteam_text title=”PIKE 115CM” subtitle=”Hearty-Rise Predator 2 892XH 2,66 m 30 – 100 gr”]A massive pike caught on a fireball on the Hearty Rise Predator 2 892XH by team member:
Catch Report: 100cm Zander
A stunning 100 cm Zander Caught by our Prostaff Sven Patzak.
Rod: Hearty Rise Collector II
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